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Lost A Realy Good Friend!

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TWR | 12:21 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Have you lost contact with a really good friend & wondered what has happened to him/ her?


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I had a best friend for years - we travelled the world together in our younger days. She then married a complete moron who didn't like her having friends and we gradually lost touch.
After no contact for 20 years I found her last month on FB and we are tentatively rekindling the friendship. She was always very independent, attractive and glamourous and I was shocked to see her photo. She is now a dead ringer for Daisy (Onslow's wife) from Keeping Up Appearances.
She is still under the thumb of the moron.

Once upon a time there were three of us, one got killed , one moved away ( me) and one remained. Whilst I miss the remaining person to some degree I don't really want to go back to who I was when I knew him and he wouldn't move on to where I am now, so it's a dead end street, but yeah sorry it turned out the way it did.
My (was) best mate is in prison. I haven't written to him. I miss him, yes, I miss the person he was, not what he became.
No but a really horrible ex found me after 42 yrs!
Yes, my first job I had a great friend. Lost contact with her and cannot find her now.. have tried.
I lost touch with a friend I met at secondary school, we'd kept in touch until about 1990 but I never got on with her husband.
She contacted me last year through Friends Reunited and after exchanging emails we agreed to meet (she is now separated from the plonk of a husband)
I picked her up, brought her back to my house, fed and watered her, then took her home again. I felt it had been a pleasant afternoon.
The next day she rang me and accused me of having an affair with the plonk!!
Needless to say I asked her not to contact me anymore..............
and did you Craft?
what a weirdo, craft.....
Sounds like you are talking about a cow there, Crafty. :)
Thanks they saying goes 'I wouldn't have touched him with yours'.
I think she's gone a bit loopy.
My cousin cut herself off from the family and moved away. I bumped into her purely by accident in town so that was a great meeting. I feel sorry for her losing all her family and friends. I don't think I will see her again now she has gone again.
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Im a bit merciless about friends, never really felt the need for them! I have one closeish friend of my own (the others are other couples and "our" friends- if that makes sense?" And whilst i like her and would willingly help her out if she needed it and vice verca (I hope!) if necessary, it wouldn't unduly worry me if we broke contact for some reason.

Guss I really am too much of a loner!
that's not counting your 157,809 FB Friends, B00?
Lose contact all the time. Wonder about the ones that stick around, to be honest. Occasionally wonder about what all those I met on life's path, are doing now, but I'm not going to be able to find out so I don't fret about it.
lol @ FB friends, touchy subject jno? ;-)
it does make me wonder about the many things "friend" can mean; even in real life there are many degrees of closeness, aren't there, and on FB it just means "somebody on the same planet".

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