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Evening All

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queenofmean | 20:48 Wed 16th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
how are we all

I'm good just about to go and do my ironing anybody care to lend a hand?


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I really don't mind ironing. I just imagine I am in the finals of the Ironing Olympics, in the dress-shirt event, doing all those fiendish little tucks in record time. Then, when I've finished the ironing, I imagine I am in the Bed-Sheet and Quilt-Cover Changing event.
Honestly, can you imagine blokes ever having a hope of winning such events ? I have this dream where a bloke comes in the door after work and tells his wife he hasn't got time to go to the pub, he has to practise his pillowcases.
No - I'll pay you to do mine :-)
I agree with boxtops.
If you enjoy it that much, you can pay Me to do mine!?!
My son is fantastic at ironing!
Now that my house is on the market, I try and get it washed, dried & ironed & put away in record time. Apparently, it doesn't go down well if the estate agent is doing a viewing at your house and you've got your knickers hanging on the airer! Ooh I say!
My laundry, not the house
lardy, better your knickers than you.
Iron man = super hero

Iron woman = a command ;-)

That was a joke btw...
No I have a pressing engagement, QoM......
Very true Daisy
Queenie - the real one , announces "Our husband and I are going into the Iron & Steel business. I am going to do the ironing and Philip is going to do the stealing."
Thanks all the same qom. I have a few problems of my own to iron out.
lardy, at least you don't hang your knickers in a tree to dry, like my sis does.... all up the wisteria when we were on holiday :-)
Would reply but feeling a bit flat.
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LOL that's the ironing done, to all those who want me to do there ironing send it round I'll do it in the morning :)

Loving the jokes though

I hope everything is ok Parkdale :)

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