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Hints For Surviving The Blizzard

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Barmaid | 11:09 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
(the alternative version)

OK, so we are all going to be snowed in by the end of today and no-one is going to have any bread or milk and the world is almost coming to an end.

What are your hints for survival. You can be serious (if you really want to), but I was thinking we could have some fun........

I'll start - if you run out of milk put Baileys in your coffee.


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An AA warning said anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets, sleeping bag, extra clothing (including a scarf, hat and gloves), 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch, safety triangle, tow rope, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads. I looked a right prat on the bus this morning ...
11:16 Fri 18th Jan 2013
I have such a lovely image now Dave. :-) x
Been out to feed my birds so all is well with the world. Working later so might pop in to Asda for milk on my way home. Very little snow here on the east coast of Scotland. Wrap up well everyone if you are considering "panic buying".
Mr O has just pointed out that "panic buying" does not include the shoe collection in the Next catalogue. Spoilsport.
Dave, very good. :o))))
I panic bought a new sweater yesterday
Baileys... Check
Rum.... Check

Went out for a loaf of bread that I actually did need this morning and got caught up in the fun of panic buying! £41.97!!!!!

Vodka..... Check

Lisa x
BM, you make it sound like you suckled her boobs!

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