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Even In S On S Essex...

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Jemisa | 00:41 Sat 19th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
About 6o/c it started snowing here (Southend on Sea) its the first we've seen this year, it seems everyone has already had their share or have they?
Has it arrived on your door step yet?
I've just looked out & its still coming down, large flakes too.



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No, still not a single flake here in Suffolk, Jemisa.
Yep...we're completely covered with the stuff. The snow is level with my door step.
We have had it from midday, stopped 8pm its very deep here in Leicestershire Jem. Also you are going to get it quite bad on Sunday by the look of the TV weather forecast !
..... and you Chris, have booked your turn for Sunday LOL.....
If they don't get snow in Suffolk tomorrow I'm going to start shovelling it over the border from Norfolk! We've had thick snow, and more snow on top since Tuesday and I'm tired of it now.
As long as our local train line is still running on Sunday I won't be worried! (Sunday is the one day that I try to get to a pub; it's a 10 minute hop on the train)
We'll chuck them a bit from Leicestershire too, twice this week and more to come on Sunday :(
No ...... wrong kind of snow Chris ;)
>>>If they don't get snow in Suffolk tomorrow I'm going to start shovelling it over the border from Norfolk

Be careful, Maidup, I'm told that entering no-man's land between the two fences is very dangerous ;-)
Snowed 8.30 until 5 on the balmy (barmy) south coast.
//entering no-man's land between the two fences is very dangerous ;-) // so watch you don't fall over on the ice LOL
Yep, flakes but not large enough! I want a big freeze and MORE!
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Oh Gawd!! I hate the stuff, I Dont think I'll be moving very far from now on, well til it disappears that is.
The G/children are thrilled, want to get out on their new sledges we bought 'em for xmas.
Their poor dad will have to drag 'em up the nearest hill tomorrow. Bless.

(We've booked our hols today as well) June hurry up.

>>>wrong kind of snow Chris

That sounds like a railway announcement, Ann!

When I ran a railway station (and made PA announcements) I tried to avoid phrases like 'the wrong kind of snow' and 'leaves on the line' as I knew that they would lead to hollow laughter. However I do remember referring to "track adhesion difficulties due to compacted vegetation debris" (which, in my opinion, is far better than "leaves on the line"!).
OK folks, I'm now running a book and offering 2 to 1 that Jemisa will be sledging down a hill by lunchtime tomorrow. Any takers?
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Chris, you make me laugh, you make me smile.

Been there done that got the bruises... (1963)

We have got loads of snow jem, been coming down since about 6 this morning, stopped for an hour or two earlier on but was snowing very slightly last time I looked.
Chris, Love the " compacted vegetation debris " bet that confused them. X

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