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Is It Actually True, Charity Does Begin At Home?

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anotheoldgit | 14:00 Sun 20th Jan 2013 | News
34 Answers

/// According to Miss Belova, a single mother in Lithuania would get £20 a month in child benefit plus discounted help with gas, electricity and housing. ///

/// But it wouldn't be enough to sustain the kind of lifestyle she enjoys here. ///



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I wonder if the Mail twisted her words?
Word of warning - that holiday snap was taken before she was on benefits.

Without reading the detail, one would assume she paid for it out of benefits.

Also - it isn't possible to live any kind of 'designer' lifestyle on £20,000 a year. You ask any nurse or trainee copper - the sums don't add up.
The original story came from The Sun on Sunday...not sure if it were lifted word for word.
That's what I said...

Also, she speaks 6 languages so is clearly very intelligent. Do you think she plans on claiming benefits when her daughter starts school? Or do you think she might look for full time employment?
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That's just typical, on with the rose tinted specs and blame the Daily Mail, that should solve all the 'ills' of this country.
Let’s do a few sums. Her net income is £21,000pa. This is made up of £14,500 benefits and £6,500 earned income (in round numbers). Just as a comparison, somebody working full time would have to earn £27,200 to take home £21k. (See what sort of job she would have to get to earn £27k. New recruit to the police force now will earn £19k).

Another useful comparison is that a pensioner with an income of £21k (say £15.5k private pension and £5.5k State Pension) would pay over £2,500 income tax. She pays none. It is also strange that, when considering this lady’s income, £21k is considered by some to be derisible and hardly enough to keep her head above water, whilst a pensioner with the same income would no doubt be considered filthy rich and ripe for having his Winter Fuel Allowance and free bus pass summarily withdrawn.

Whether this is in the Daily Mail or the Daily Worker, these sums as quoted are accurate. So, do I think she plans on claiming benefits when her daughter starts school? Er...yes, unless she can earn at least £35k. Anybody thinking otherwise might like to reconsider. Six languages or not she is unlikely to be able to walk into a £35k post very easily and in any case, by then she will have drawn the thick end of £80k from the taxpayer.
Yes, and presumably anyone British-born and resident, in her circumstances, can do, is doing, what she does. Do the papers wish to find, and make a example of , such a Briton?

If we invite or allow migrant workers from the EU to work here, we can hardly complain if they do what we do. Or do we wish to leave the jobs they do for Britons only? If so, why weren't Britons doing them, so foreign workers had no jobs to go to ?
I’d feel exactly the same if she was British born and bred, Fred.

There is no earthly reason why people should be paid these sums. It is preposterous that people doing no work from choice are given sufficient funds to enable them to take foreign holidays and travel to and from the Baltic States.

I note that Ms Belova “fell pregnant”. Presumably her supreme intelligence did not stretch to understanding what causes such events or that perhaps her circumstances were not ideal to bring a child into her taxpayer funded world.

My views on Britons being “unwilling” to do jobs that only foreigners will undertake are well known. It is ludicrous to pay millions of people to lay in bed and then have to import labour to keep vital services and industries going. It is even more ludicrous to “invite” foreigners here to do likewise.
Quite, NJ. It's amusing, if that is the word, that the papers have chosen to promote this story of one foreigner when the same essential facts are true of thousands of Britons. Why is that?

"Fall pregnant"? Which is your preferred explanation of that phrase being used? That this Latvian woman didn't know of contraception? That she doesn't know the mechanics of reproduction? That she became pregnant deliberately but tried, dishonestly, to make it sound an accident? That it was an accident?Or that she didn't use the phrase but the paper did, because it makes her case sound rather worse?
perhaps some of the British born folk had worked, or indeed members of their family, mum and dad, brothers and sisters. So contributing one way or another, whilst some recently arrived have made no contribution whatsoever, so why should they be entitled to anything at all.
Yes fred, I remember it well. Buildings only half built & the crops rotting in the fields.
Tut tut, how did we ever manage.
we did, and it's still clear that many do, just that the papers love to cast British as lazy slobs, whilst lauding foreign workers as paragons of virtue, hard working and ever so wonderful, cor talk about rose coloured specs.
I can't understand our liberal friends nowadays.
Amongst all the fatuous drivel they used to spout they always waxed lyrical about the noble working man.
13yrs of being overpaid & having their egos over inflated & they can't wait to give the working class a kicking.
Well the British,heterosexual working class anyway.
The crops would have rotted, or not been planted, if it had been left to employers to find British workers. Why do you think the industry gradually became such a big employer of foreigners? Local lads prefer to take the unemployment benefit or do something else. But fewer people are employed in agriculture than formerly (on the last survey, only 3 people in this village were employed in agriculture; this farm alone employed at least 6 full-time, and more casually, in the 50s) and locals have not been raised in a tradition of manual agricultural labour. The foreigners come from countries where that tradition still exists.

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