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Installation Of Xp Pro

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fatgaz | 06:53 Wed 23rd Jan 2013 | Computers
5 Answers
hi peeps, both me and my mate are running windows xp pro but his has started to run quite sluggish even after performing various cleanups, tweeks etc so i sugested that he saved whatever was important to him and reinstalled xp, unfortunatly he cannot find his disc, I have mine so I was wondering would it be possible to reinstall using my disc and when it come to the point where it asks you to insert your "key" he inserts his xp pro key which is on a sticker on the side of his computer, any replys would be most welcome


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I think it should work, but also if you don't know... with XP download service packs.
If you both have OEM machines, it should work fine, but if (for example) one machine is a Dell and the other is an HP (or any similar large manufacturer machine) the disk will be tied to the make/model of the computer.
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thanks for the replies, one more question what is oem ?
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Installation Of Xp Pro

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