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The Bible Author ...

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joko | 13:43 Wed 23rd Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
25 Answers
would you read his other works?

he seems to have been a pretty imaginative chap...

what kind of other books do you think he'd have written? -
what would his 'books by the same author' page at the start of the bible have said?

(i realise there was probably more than one contributor to it, but one man was probably ultimately responsible for its final content)


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"Loaves and Fishes recipe book"

Take five loaves of hard stale bread and two decaying fish. Pass around.

Feeds 5000.
Where is that source of truth to be found? This written source is called variously by many the Book of Freedom, the Book of Truth, the Divine Library, the Book of Life, the Holy Scriptures, the Sacred Writings, or, by way of eminence, The Book. Since it is a collection of sixty-six inspired books, the Greeks gave it the name Biblia, meaning “little books,” from which comes the common term, Bible.

Yes,Bible has had a fight to live. Its enemies that have sought its destruction and tried to prevent its circulation have been the very men in Christendom who claim to be its teachers. No one should be deceived into thinking that the Bible is the cause of the evils and hypocrisy found in Christendom today. The Bible is too plain-speaking and truthful for the leaders of Christendom to teach, let alone atheists or evoluntionists to follow. Its uncompromising stand for truth and righteousness exposes all these false teachers.

Yet, even if the remains of Noah’s ark were found and definitely identified, would critics be any more convinced about the Bible’s accuracy? Would they then put their trust in it and its Author? Well, have the Dead Sea Scrolls of Isaiah convinced critics to put any more faith in the Bible and its Author than they had before? No, instead they have spent years bickering about details of spelling, letter shapes, Essene doctrine, and so on. They have missed the real point regarding the preservation of God’s Word.
The Bible clearly and unambiguously attributes the successful massacre of the tribes already living there when the Hebrews invaded "The Promised Land" as evidence of the glory of God.

This genocide has been an inspiration to many who wished to emulate Joshua's deeds so it is incorrect to claim that the Bible cannot be attributed as a cause of evil and hypocrisy.
The book of Italian heroes.
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goodlife, do you have an actual answer to my question?

or just more unrelated cut an paste?

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The Bible Author ...

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