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Going to mars

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kitten_uk2 | 13:58 Mon 02nd Jan 2006 | Science
12 Answers
If i built a rocket and decided one day that i want to go to mars, would i have to inform anyone and who or could i just blast off and go from my back garden, being a free country and all?


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I think these lot would have something to say about it!
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Perhaps you could ask these lot - they seem to do it on a regular basis:

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It would be no different to sailing from your country. Take your passport, certificate of competence, ships papers etc. and if you intend coming back to the same place just let the Customs and Excise know when you leave so they can check your duty free booze and fags when you come back. Mars wine is out of this world!

Might be just courtesy to ask the martians if you can land on their planet first!

Well I don't know about you lot, but I would be really ****** off if my neighbour tried to build a space ship in the garden and I am sure that the purchase/movement/storage of fuels etc... could not be done without permission. Flight clearance would also be a problem as would many other things.
you may need to apply for air space authorisation, just incase.
I Guess it would all depend on how your spacship worked. The Saturn V rocket boosters are a couple of meters accross and it had five of these so you'll need a big garden just to house them, then theres the heath and safty aspects of having enough explosive fuel to flatten a small town ..... and if your using hydrazene then theres the toxic aspect as well while your storing it. But I suppose if you have a non- toxic, quiet and small spacship with no fuel problems you would just need a certificate of air worthyness to prove its not going to land on nextdoors house, and away you go.
Are you flying to mars or going down the local shop for a mars bar,i think the second is easier.
Well Hamish, if it lands on next doors house that's OK provided that it doesn't land on mine!

Dont Worry about all that if your rocket is fast enough then they wont catch you can then go to mars and then they aren't going to come to mars and get you lol, you'll have a 60 quid fine or find that your house has been given to a foreigner in the aid of PC.


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