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Say What You Think.

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TWR | 21:23 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Do you get into trouble by saying what you think? or your outspokenness.


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sometimes, but most people respect the fact that I don't mince my words. I say what I mean, and mean what I say!
I say what I mean, and mean what I say!

and I say what I like and like what I say
Not in the real world.
Yes, but I don't care!
all the time....but i don't care! some things just need to be said.....x
No, but I sometimes try to sugar the pill so to speak.
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A.Y.G. Why? Is it to please others?
Not usually, no.
i usually get into trouble for not thinking
Yes, foot in mouth disease!
No... I am excruciatingly tight lipped. I just tend to keep my thoughts to myself unless i'm around certain company :)
Story of my life.

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