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I'd Like More.....

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EcclesCake | 23:46 Sat 02nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
What would you like more of?

At the moment I'd be quite happy with a bit more sleep each night. Hardly rock and roll I know......


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money, pure and simple, then i could buy the home
at the moment - sleep, and less uncertainty in my work life.
Id just like some more weight to drop off without me having to try too hard.
I'd like more patience. As I've got older, my patience has worn very thin. I used to be so placid and easy going. Now, I'm not.
Sleep, sex and sunshine, and not in that order!
Money and Time,

Money to be able to do the things I enjoy and Time to do those things!

At the moment All I seem to do is work/sleep/work/sleep, Would love to have the financial resources to spend more time with my family.

My youngest (7) often moans that I work to much and i'm never home to play with him. He even cried last night because I have to work today and won't be home (Sunday is usually our swimming day and either cycling or scooting down by the sea day weather permitting) I had to hold back my own tears!

So I would definatly opt for Money and Time
Now if someone could tell me how to get both I would be extremely gratefull ;)

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