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The Point Of Everlasting Life

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beso | 09:10 Fri 04th Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
77 Answers
The Believers frequently propose that mortal life has no point without the everlasting life that follows for the faithful.

Yet that promise is to a place where there seems nothing to do but worship God for an eternity. How does this offer them more of a "point"?

Some tell us that we won't need our bodies in this new paradise. So no eating, drinking, singing, sex or other physical exercise. We won't talk because we will already know each other's thoughts. So no card games, crosswords or jokes.

And you get an eternity of this as "reward" for giving up the focus of one's whole natural life when you could actually do something?!

Have I missed something?


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the point of everlasting life.....would be to torture people, no? i couldn't think of anything worse.....particularly being stuck somewhere eternally with the likes of you.

Poor old Naomi I do feel so sorry for you. You claim to have understanding but you have none.

Goodlife was obviously testing you out here - had you looked at the context of the verses he quoted
Matthew 15 v 7 - 9.
you would have seen the point.

Since the 2nd century BCE the pharisees put a fence around the Law in order to protect it from Hellenism. This fence was actually the oral traditions brought in by them somuch so that they eventually came to be viewed as part of the Law. They even began to put these oral traditions above the written Law. By doing this, they actually weakened the Law making it void so that Jesus rightly said," And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition.  YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said,  ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me."
Truthabounds, oh make no mistake - I understand exactly what Jesus was saying - but as I said the verses Goodlife quoted don’t mention tradition. However, I suspect he’s grateful to you for trying to help him out. Don’t feel sorry for me – pity yourself. These verses apply to YOU.
Naomi-You will remain blind to the significance until your disaster,because you think you got a answer for everything.
Goodlife, //Naomi-You will remain blind to the significance until your disaster,because you think you got a answer for everything. //

Unlike you, I don't think I have the answer to everything, hence I don't tell people how to live their lives - and I am certainly not so arrogant as to tell them they're damned! There is no disaster awaiting me. One day I will die - and so will you. That's life. Get used to it.
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goodlife appears to be becoming increasingly arrogant and befitting the title of the hypocrite that he is so fond of throwing about.
Truthabounds & Goodlife. Are you one person or two in the same building?
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I have long suspected that they are actually two versions of a robotic autoresponder loaded with Biblical quotes.
I don't think that's the case. We do have to work this out however, as posing at two users would be quite deceitful - not to mention against Site Rules.
Question Author
Check the server logs to compare their IP addresses.
"Check the server logs to compare their IP addresses."

Yes, I do know how to do my job ta! If two people in your home both used AB they would both appear with the same IP, and this is why I ask the question.
-- answer removed --
Everlasting life or paradise // what is it.

You gave many answers and questions to the subject // but not realistic// not for me // to some people I may be call me crazy or stupid ( Isaiah -5 20-23 )

but I'm sure of one thing the good book gives me a hope. that something which will be something special

THE good book of Isaiah 65-21-22-- 35-1-5 Amos 9-14 Jeremiah 31 -4

which opens up realistic opportunities for human life for now// and the future

But I'm sure//

It's not a place of Robots //zombie //monster
It's all paraphrased waffle that truthabounds et al are spouting.....if you google the third paragraph of truthabounds, there are loads of articles nearly word for word.....nothing original therefore, just the regurgitation of dogma.

The only thing true about it is that this waffle is all consistent.

This may interest YOU

you - how recognize the resurrection

if the soul goes to heaven?????

these four /returns to life / / / represent people who had died

Jesus have been dead for three days and was resurrect //
to life as a spirit..
he did not go to heaven //straight away-
it was 40 days later he arrived in heaven

John 20 17 where the go --??????????

1 Lazarus has been / death //for four days /and then-
resurrected to life ?
John -11 . 21--26 No comment about heaven

2 a little girl of 12 was resurrected from the death.
A possibility/death / for two day's
mark 5-41 - Luke 8 -- 51 No comment about heaven

3---- a young man // in his early 20 //death// approximately two day's
and return from the death. to life No comment about heave
Luke 7 -10

4 -/ Peter resurrected Tabitha from death
acts 9--39 No comment about heaven

Question All these people who had died...
And the church say we all go to heaven.

With a great experience of see their Creator or god

NO explanation
what do you think ????? ?????
Locusts ------ Do you have any recent resurrections to tell us about. Say maybe in the last 20 years or so. Something that maybe has been scientifically observed and proven. Otherwise I can go and get any number of books (Lord of the Rings for example) That contain supernatural events. If not then you are just talking about fiction and it's irrelevant.
this this for the believe// and not for the nonbelievers
it may not be important to you as nonbelievers
but for those who believe in the resurrection
it can be important factor
thinks for comment but not necessary

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