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Ridding The World Of Terrorism - Can Cameron Handle It?

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pdq1 | 21:28 Wed 30th Jan 2013 | News
129 Answers

The world would be a safer place without terrorism no doubt. But a report recently says there are over 1,000,000 militant Muslims and their offshoots spread throughout the world. We have seen what terror they can cause in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and now a major slice of North Africa. Now that Obama is taking a back seat this void is led by Cameron. Does he deserve our encouragement?


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Yes Zeuhl it must be a joke and a total lie to people like you. Those who cannot bear to consider that a country they hate so vehemently may not be quite so bad as they proclaim. Those with blinkered vision that only swallow the propaganda dished out by others of the same ilk.
Is it not a crime in American eyes for one of their citizens to join a foreign army?
"Pillar of Defence", is that the operation in Gaza where more than 1400 Palestinian men, women, and children were killed by Israeli forces?
Remind me again, where was Osama Bin Laden eventually found residing - yet the country's Government didn't know he was there?
Is it a crime in Great Britain for one of your citizens to go to Afghanistan to try and kill British soldiers? Seem to recall that happens a few times.
Oh dear keyplus. You are a sorry soul.

By the way - Bin Laden was found in Pakistan - PAKISTAN if you are hard of hearing.
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