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What's The Difference?

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ayabrea38 | 14:07 Wed 06th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I was reading somewhere that a debt collector is different to a bailiff in a few ways and I wondered if this was true?

According to this article,a debt collector cannot enter your home and cannot remove items.They have to have a court order and then the bailiff can .

With so many people now being pestered by debt collectors,thinking that they can just march in and take stuff,maybe this should be advertised more,especially to the older folk who get scared witless by this sort of thing.

If it's true that is.


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A bailiff acts under a High Court writ I think. They cannot forcibly enter a domestic property, but if someone leave the front door open, they are allowed to walk in and list items to seize if the debtor won't pay. They are allowed to climb fences and force entry into commercial properties.
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I saw a programme on TV about that,about how simple things like a small open upstairs window and they can get in.
Scary that
there is a tv programme on each morning that shows these men as nice kind helpful people, I am sure in reality they are not so. Is this programme !BBC1 11am each wekday, trying to change their image ? I am not convinced.
I've seen that, dee sa - they seem reasonable to me, but I guess they wouldn't make a programme about the people who use less pleasant methods (which actually they are maybe not allowed to do).
Some of the people on that TV programme who owe money aren't exactly candidates for citizen of the year awards. One man owed £5000 and offered to repay it at £50 a month. He had taken the money to do work on a pensioners house.
They're sheriffs on TV, not bailiffs. The differences are referred to from time to time.

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