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What Do You Think Is A Scary Movie?

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CallieH | 23:51 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I've never seen a movie that scared me and that makes my other half think I'm a bit weird. He's brought home loads of supposedly scary movies but none of them have done anything for me. Has anyone seen a movie that they thought was really frightening, I'd love to watch one.


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What's Rec? Never heard of it
unlike Tulisa...
Kirk, give it up with Tulisa :D

"What's Rec? Never heard of it"

Its filmed like it is being recorded by a documentary crew. It is quite short but is brilliant......but it is in Spanish. The atmosphere builds and builds...
Ignore Matt, he doesn't like Wolf Creek...

BBC1 now.
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I speak Spanish fairly well but is it subtitled Matt?
What's on Talbot?
I enjoyed the original Jap versions of Ju-on (The Grudge) and Ringu (Ring). The Hollywood remakes were dire. IMHO the Asian horror films are leaps and bounds over anything Hollywood churns out.

There's also one called Dark Water that is pretty good. If you don't mind reading subtitles they are well worth a watch.

You might be able to find them here.......
Rec. is indeed subtitled.

Madmen go and drink some water 'straight from the top'. ;-)
Matt, LOL

The hand that rocks the cradle

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