Gerogiesmum = I once mentioned that no man had ever bought me flowers which is why Mr O buys me some once a week. I must hasten too add that being half Scottish and half Yorkshire he doesn't spend a fortune. Sometimes they are from the reduced bucket in Asda.
Sent 5. One to each of my grandchildren (they pretend they don't know who sent them) and one to a dear friend. Have sent her one every year since her husband died and she has absolutely no idea who sends it.
I'm in trouble. I was backshift this week and planned to buy the card and prezzie on my way to work, either yesterday or today, but I wrenched my knee on Monday and am now housebound as I can hardly walk. The good thing is that Mrs D knows how bad it is, but I fear she may hope that I had already sorted the prezzie.
Should I prepare for huffing, or would the good ladies of AB be understanding in these circumstances?
I thought about that but surely the greatly increased demand will ensure it doesn't turn up? I might just have to get a taxi into town tomorrow morning and hop round a shop.
Crisis averted, a taxi to Tesco, some lovely flowers, a nice card, a meal from the Finest range, (not horse), and the promise of a shopping trip to Belfast while I go to watch Linfield.