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Birthday Tea At 3 For Sloopy

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albaqwerty | 15:54 Fri 15th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
There's a host of sandwiches in white and brown bread, fillings range from egg mayo, ham and tomato to salmon.
There's chicken goujons, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages and voldy vents.
Not forgetting choccy eclairs, iced gingerbread, jam doughnuts and a chocyy gateau which will have to pass for the cake.

All sorts of drinkie-poos, from tea or coffee, to plonk or beer.

Tuck in xxxx


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I'll be here waiting to do all your favourite stuff!
I know.....can't think of the last time that I saw a groaning table......
Been a great party Alba, thanks but must go now and get OH tea. I dont think I can eat another thing :>) Bye everyone ♥
Thanks all, it's been a lovely do, we ought to have a bit of a clean up and a tidy round before albs gets back -oo, look over there!! >>

stuffs remaining cake in pocket...
Yes, I agree, a few things to do this end too.....
One final comment to DT. Funny you should say that about first class living, me and my work colleague managed to get ourself upgraded due to the people we worked with down in Joburg nobbling the Captain. Flat bed in business class is great. Then this party.......
Who doesn't prefer front of cabin to turning right when boarding the plane!
We had accepted that row 51 was our lot. Doors about to close, then a steward siddled up "are you xxx"
a nice feeling! Bet you feel a lot fresher too.
Damn, damn and damn again - too late!! Any leftovers for supper?
You bet. Havent even gone to bed and dont feel tired. Hope you enjoy your new avatar and name. x
Maggiebee. I brought the 2 choccies in a box off the flight this morning. Here you are.
Aaww grasscarp, you're an angel. Kettle is on.
oh my avtar needs to change now V-Day is over; did you see the poem (on a thread I raised)?
sloopy's pockets are full of truffle cake and eclairs, maggiebee

(both of you were named in the poem by the way)
Can you post a link please DTC. I like your poems. Alba, please forgive thread diverging from your wonderful party.
maggie, all the cake's gone, whistles innocently[i, but there's still some goujons alba hid, [i]sorry], left over there in the corner, a couple of voldy vents and a jam duffnut


dt, you have email

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Birthday Tea At 3 For Sloopy

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