Could anyone tell me where I could buy a Time Machine. I've seen them used in films but where could I get one from. (Sorry I was booooorrrrredddddddd!!!)
Dont buy one build one see How to Build a Time Machine
by Paul Davies also read Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time by Richard Gott
You can buy 'em on the internet, but be careful 'cos if you buys a foreign one it won't be set to GMT and this causes all sorts o' problems and warps in the space-time continuum if you use 'em in a GMT area. Or so oim told.
Alternatibely, youm's very welcome to come down 'ere to zummerzet and experience toim travel. Several towns and villages are still living in the 19th century.
The greatest time machine of all was of course the one driven by Marty McFly in "Back To The Future", which was built by the DeLorean company (and souped up a bit by Dr Emmet brown, admittedly). Sadly the company folded twenty years ago, but to learn more about the car that changed history (but also, luckily, put history right again), take a look at this site: