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Stupid Laws # 1

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Khandro | 13:02 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Did you know: It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour?
In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.


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I remember when stories like these used to be passed around- eg all taxis must carry a bale of hay in the boot, and urinating is permitted over a car /lorry provided it is the front left wheel or something like that, and was disappointed to find out most were urban myths
The long Winter nights must fly over in your House.!!
Scottish archers on holiday in York beware
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Notice that nobody who claims these laws exist ever cites any statute or case law precedent in support of their claim. That there are, even now, some odd and eccentric laws in existence, generally passed to meet some need which no longer exists, may not be doubted. We have a Commission which periodically announces that it has found some which need abolishing and which then are.It is unlikely that it has found them all yet. Last time it did so it found a law saying that giving a false, favourable, reference to an employee was unlawful; the removal of this seems a loss but it is probably covered by other laws; and a delightful law empowering a householder to demand that a brass band move from near his house,under threat of a fine, which makes one wonder how prevalent this nuisance was that the law was necessary.
Incidentally, there is at least one old law that lives on in our practices though it has been abolished.

The practice in England has long been to say "And have one for yourself" to the barman or barmaid in a pub. A waiter in a restaurant might be given a tip in cash, but bar staff in a pub never were. This is because old licensing law was determined to ensure that only the licensee was responsible for everything concerned with the management of the pub and that he was never a mere placeman or stooge for others who might not, because of bad character or other defects, be fit to hold a licence. Accordingly it was illegal for anyone other than the licensee to pay any part of the staff's wages. Therefore no customer could pay cash as a payment or reward for services. But giving the barman a drink,to be taken in kind,was not seen as payment, since it was not like legal tender and was anyway both a small token and limited in its extent by the capacity of the recipient. That this ever continued, with the barman taking the cash equivalent from the till rather than the drink, showed that old habits died hard
I see nothing wrong with that law in York.........It's saved many people from the usual rape and pillage.
I did hear that rape and pillage are quite separate, now. They are such specialised occupations that a dedicated rape team has been set up, and there are plans in the pipeline to encourage more young people to take up pillage. The days when both were carried out by the same mob of raiders are long gone.

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Stupid Laws # 1

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