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Alzheimers / Dementia ------Update

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chrisgel | 22:27 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
To all those kind people who responded with advice and information to my query re the above and especially to Sunny-Dave.
I have been to see my GP today and he has re-assured me that, given my symptoms that I am suffering from depression.
Such a relief!

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses.


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Wahayyy! That's such good you are feeling fantastic. G x
So glad that it is not demntia, sorry that you have depression but at least that is treatable with medication and can be controlled. Hopefully now you have had your mind put at ease things will get easier now.
Thats very good news ( not the depression!!) But you know what I mean, x
That's good news, Chris


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Alzheimers / Dementia ------Update

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