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What Music Are You Listening To?

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Answerprancer | 23:54 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Music
55 Answers
..or if you're not right now, what were you listening to last?
Dare - The Human League (a trip down memory lane) whilst perusing pics of old 80s stars on Google images.
"...but just to keep you from danger, I am the law...."


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sorry, wrong thread :)
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Wow, that Crane Driver song is reminding me of something by Pink Floyd big time, something from their early days.
Yeah.. it's reminding me of something else as well.. can't put my finger on it.
I think our paths crossed AP, didn't take long eh!
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Yes LOL - I couldn't wait - had to research.
Mum's just come in with this lot...

Not bad for a £5 raffle ticket eh! And she gave away two bottles of whiskey and a bottle of peach schnapps!!

Night! Hehe! x
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I'll have the Bacardi pls ...and one of those pineapple/coconut cartons asda do - and some ice, and a line or two of charlie :-)
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LMáO I just realized the familiarity of the chords in that Elbow ("Crane") song!
It was "yes sir, I can boogie"
That's fine :) the vodka's mine though!

Mum is very drunk! She just asked who Paul McCartney was when his photo came on the tv!!!! Haha!
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LOL...well, he does look a little -how should I put it- cadaverous these days.
I stumbled across these guys on youtube a while ago and thought they were amazing! Good to see the accordion making a comeback ;p
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"A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" by Panic! At The Disco - great album, perhaps a bit over-produced but nevertheless very enjoyable IMO :-)
Just about to go and listen to whats on Mamya's night night song thread.
I've recently got back into listening to Radio 1 after giving up about 5 years ago. There is a lot of good stuff being played at the moment.
I like romantic songs.

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