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Friends Abroad.

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TWR | 18:14 Sat 23rd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Have you friends abroad? do they comment on their life style & how does it compare with yours?


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my sister lives in the USA. My bestie lives in tenerife.
lifestyles seem rather the same
i have family by 'marriage' who live a jet-set life abroad, but they are the ultimate DINKYs who are rolling in it so not really the norm for making comparisons.
My friend in NSW seems to struggle in the lifestyle stakes. He`s tried his best to get his business going but he said the UK is much more enterprising than Australia. The banks over there don`t want to know when it comes to business start-ups.
Friends and family in France, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Middle East, India, Afghanistan, US, Canada, Bermuda, New Zealand and Australia.

They all seem quite content with their lifestyle, although the ones in Australia are complaining about an increase in the cost of living.
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My Nephew is out in Qld now Eccles, he said the same.
I have a cousin living in Venezuela. He's in marine insurance and does very well for himself. 4 bed detached house, maid, cook etc. He has a much better lifestyle than me.
4 times now he's had a criminal at the door with a gun demanding money. He no longer answers the door to strangers.
I'll stay here in Britain, with my lower standard of living, thank you very much.
Aussie rellies complain of heat & aircon costs. CA USA complain of living costs & devalued properties. Spanish holiday homes in liquid equity & cold in Spain with inadequate heating. Canadians snowbound.

Am best off with my log fire :)
My only sibling moved abroad to a place called England. He likes it but I like the cold north.
I have a sister in Norfolk. They drink as much as we do here in county .
The Captain has family in Seattle. They are very soiled.
Whoops, meant spoiled.

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