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Someone's Missing?

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TWR | 18:38 Sat 23rd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
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MM got suspended again?!!! Godsake :|
why do some get suspended longer than others. and what is the longest suspension?
Ed recently mentioned an ABer. I looked her up to find that she's been suspended for 19 months. Dunno if she's the longest though.
19 months is an odd amount. 12, 18 if u've been really naughty. But 19???!
shooty has been suspended since new years eve. It seems rather a long time.
I've been told that he may not want to come back though. He was very good at solving crosswords and had a good sense of humour. I miss him.
Lol @ Sal. It does seem a tad harsh. :o)
I noticed someone the other day who has been suspended for nearly 2 1/2 years. Think that means permanent!
I thought you only went on the naughty step from about 3 days- a month!
I thought suspended meant temporary and banned meant for good!
That sounds like a sensible interpretation of the terms but I think it may be a little more complicated. On AB, does SUSPENDED mean your posts remain but Banned means your posts are removed?
Anyway, i thought TWR was referring to the absence of the Ed/ deputy Ed at a time when so many are concerned about Malware warnings on AB
Some peeps are banned but their posts are still here.

Good point, Factor...perhaps TWR means the Ed is missing. :o/
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There will not be a 2nd time??
Why so cryptic TWR?

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