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Corrie/eastenders Young/old Relationships

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lankeela | 21:50 Fri 22nd Feb 2013 | Film, Media & TV
34 Answers
I know it happens in the real world, but the current story lines are making me feel very uncomfortable. Especially the Timothy West character.


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useless info the tortoise is on loan from a pet shop in wigan
Gail has turned into Ivy Tilsley!
The character of Gail is vile, sactimonious, hypocritical and hateful. I scream at the screen when she gets going. And I know she can't help her looks, but.....E.T. Certainly does spent to mind.
Love Mary.
helen worth is getting married this year maybe it will make her character a bit more softer!
How can he have changed his will and left everything to Eva unless he knew he was going to die? (which I didnt know was going to happen btw)
The will thing Smo I made up... its the sort of thing they'll do isn't it?

Remember Tracey Barlow and Wally, played by Bernard Cribbins?

That was uncomfortable, too.
Didn't make me feel uncomfortable, he only wanted a companion.

If someone doesn't smack Gail in the gob soon, I WILL !!!!!
I thought it ridiculous that he'd see Eva as such a lovely lass and so deserving of a better life, when he'd only met her a few hours before.

The "Your gran has told me how wonderful you are" just didn't seem believable to me. They must be struggling for storylines.

(I know it's all make-believe).
Pity you cant bring back Annie Walker. Do you remember when Bet Lynch walked into The Rovers and Annie told her she had her dress on back to front.
Corrrie should recapture what it does best, great comedy. I still miss Blanche
as well.
Yes, I remember that classic scene. Corrie at its best. :o)
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Favourite Corrie line: Jack Duckworth asked Raquel to lend him a fiver. She replied 'never a borrower or a lender be - William Shakespeare' - to which Jack replied - 'Hope your rabbit dies - Jack Duckworth'.
Timothy West's character's wife turns up for the will reading..........
Yes creepy sugar daddies yuk and that Cheryl Cole look alike in Eastenders has me almost hitting the screen, how could Masood be so silly? When he and Zaineb were arguing she would just stand there looking, any decent person would have left the room (OK and listened at the door).

Love to hate Gail and yes want more horrible things to happen to her, still have the image of her asking Lewis to buy her Flight socks, such a silly b***h!

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