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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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NoMercy | 09:36 Thu 28th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
1. The diet's working and trousers fit nicely this morning.

2. My ex may have been a lying cheat, but he let me have ALL of the furniture and it looks awesome in the new house.

3. Two colleagues have asked me to make cakes for a celebration in their Department.

4. The sun is shining.

5. My backlog at work has shrunk.

On the downside ... Colleague has purchased new car and wants her permit back. :-(

What are your RTBC? X


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Car failed. £600 to repair :-(
What as it failed on ummmm ?.
Big hug to ummmm for your dad (( X ))

( Its my mums nxt month so I know how you feel)
Smow xx failed on yada yada yada. Shocking, the price of yada nowadays!!
Four people told me today I looked 'fantastic' - their words, not mine!!!
Righto ummmm a list of things then I take it.
oh Ummm ,my car is going for its mot 2 new tyres and brake pads the price like yours would get Greece out of their national debt ! Still RTBC :-
1 Started diet
2 Knees are getting better
3 Be seeing my lovely GDs soon!
4 OH happy see above ^^^
5 Looks like I might be able to take a bath at the weekend after ages of not being able !
My appetite has vanished...won't do me any harm .
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That's pants, Ummmm. :-(

Awesome, Hopkirk ;)
Yes, Tony, I will post it when OH talks to them. He retains information :-)
No. 1 reason: Told I was a "Fit Bird"!
And so she is ^^^^
Thanks Tony. ;-)
smooth operator^

got to watch these Kendalians, tony.............
1/ 6 stone has gone in 5 months and I now have a normal BMI! Wooohooo! lol
2/ New painkillers for the ankle are working a treat
3/ I'm having a Desperate Housewives DVD marathon tonight
4/ I have been asked to sell my cakes and desserts at a charity fashion show in 3 weeks time for 500 people (I'm still not sure if it's a good thing or a stupid thing! lol)

I hope your move went well NoM xxx

Thinking of you ummmm xxx
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Well done, Vodka x x
Mr LG is away for 4 days - no moaning to put up with (he's not that bad, really)
Mr LG away so can cook all the things he doesn't like eg risotto....
Social services came to do annual assessment for Mum this morning and all went well.
Going to meet an ex- colleague tomorrow for coffee who I haven't seen for ages.

Enjoy your new house NoM. PS This is such a good thread - it makes us appreciate the little things in life. x
Grandaughter's 8th birthday, checked weight and have lost 7lb in 5 weeks, fatty liver reading, (whatever that means), down from 142 to 100 and confirmed I am now definitely Type 2 diabetic.
Sounds drastic but at least I know where I am with what to eat and what not to eat, and drink come to that.
Shoot!! No more Liquorice Allsorts!

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