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Ann | 01:10 Thu 07th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Anyone know if Owd's (Eric's) funeral has taken place. I'm sure we would like to think of him especially on that day.


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Well in the usual timing of these things Ann, I think the funeral may well have taken place by now. I think of him lots and always with a smile.
There is a very good chance that I will be severely criticized for this; however, Owd has died, and I'm sure most of us didn't even know him apart from the computer screen. It's akin to placing stuffed toys and flowers around a site where someone you don't even know died in an accident, or using the phrase "Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this tragic time." There, in general, seems to be way too much inordinately placed emotion.

Stewey, I think you may be in danger of upsetting a few people. Although, I am in partial agreement with you. I think for some, this site is more than simply a Q+A forum it is part of their daily routine, some will log in for long periods of the day and treat it as a social aspect of their life. It is possible to form a "sort of" bond with people even though it is through a computer and we are, on the whole, strangers to one another.
However, it is still possible to become fond of somebody even though it is through their opinions, ideas and general outlook on life. I think you can get an idea what people are like by reading their posts, although I agree you can never truly know them.
How well did we know our favourite actor/actress that has passed, how well did we know princess Dianna and yet these people are mourned. Truth is if people want to mention an AB members passing and mourn this, they should be able to. I didnt know Owd, I didnt know he had passed until just now. But some may want to have a thought for him on the day of his funeral.
Mrs Owd was extremely grateful for and touched by the messages of sympathy from Abers. It helped her through some bad days as it had Owd when he was poorly.
Whether it was inordinately placed emotion or sympathy for someone going through a dreadful helped. That's quite nice I think.
I share your sentiments Stewey. I actually feel that sometimes it's a bit like a 'who can show they are more caring' competition (I don't just mean on this site, in general). But if it helps others then it's not really for me to criticize.
I understand and can agree with points raised by the last three posters.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, in fact I myself do not partake in the act of placing "stuffed toys and flowers" at the scene of an accident etc, to me that is completely OTT, but I know the idea to others does help. As Owd was on AB a lot we did get to know him and his personality through his posts, we thought he was extremely brave and we hoped our replies helped him sometimes to get through the bad times.

I posted the question more to let Mrs Owd know that we are still thinking and praying for her and the family and to let her know she can still visit us anytime if she feels down and in need of a few "cyber" friends to help and comfort her. I will still be doing this as I know other ABers will.
I was so taken aback by Stewey's rather insensitive post that I didn't, but should have said, that Owd's funeral has taken place.
I think Mrs Owd probably didn't feel the need for another post after the kindness of Abers on hearing of Owd's passing.
I agree with you gness,

It has taken place, Ann; Mrs Owd wanted it to be a family affair and very much a celebration of Owd's life. She is fine as can be expected and said that she may well come on here at some point. It would be nice if she used Owd's racing avatar......
gness, I don't think steweys post is insensitive at all - I think you are just a little sensitive as you think you knew Owd.

Evian I agree there is a group on here that like to outdo everyone with the mourning blacks!!

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