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Oh The Shame

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mrs_overall | 21:44 Thu 07th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
One night last week my daughter was very ill and had to go to bed just as she was about to start on her A level English homework. To help her (and thinking I was a clever clogs), I did the homework (an editorial) for her.
Daughter came home with the results today - I got a D!
All I can say is that the teacher can't be very good at marking


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have you got to write a hundred lines or dont they do that anymore ???
Scrabble attended to, poorly I might add. I've found a way to play on the iPad so should be more on the ball now. ;)
Tut Tut, see me after class ;-)
good on you for doing it lol,i won't even help my 8year old grandson with maths as they teach them such a peculiar way of doing things it completely confuses my poor brain
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mallyh I know what you mean. I can't help my 12 year old with maths at all. They even do the basics in a totally different way to the way I was taught.
mrs_o, if it was a D great, if a d not so good, I think Bricks & Mortar will get over it.

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The daughter is not bothered as apparently it was classed as a first draft and she can re-do it.
My pride is sorely wounded
Parents evening could be interesting.
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Oh The Shame

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