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So Here We All Are ...

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joggerjayne | 21:51 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
Friday night on AB.

Are there, you know, like games or anything?


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Oh, Spanglish, definitely.
We could play "The Knights of Yore".
Like this: The furtive Knight - Sir Rep Tishas
The Knight of the Attics - Sir Vance Squarters
The Knights of the Old Testament and the New Testament - Sir Pentin Thegardenofeden, and Sir Monon Themount
The Welsh Knight of the truss - Sir Jekyll Ap Pliance
The Knight who could get on his horse and the Knight who couldn't get on his horse - Sir Mountable and In Sir Mountable
The excessive knight - Sir Pluss Torequirements
They go on and on . . . and on . .
Question Author
I couldn't think of any more, atalanta

The knights who say "NI"

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