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Oh Dear

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queenofmean | 19:29 Sat 09th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I'll be going on a double date with my bf and my parents :/


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You'll be fine

Just tell the boyfriend to behave himself ..... or he'll answer to me for his actions

Have a nice time
Have they met before?
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Its not for another 6 weeks or so. I will excel :)

Boxy my bf has met my mum a few times but hasn't met my dad - not that my dad is a problem, mr nungate is a very quiet man :)
Should I perhaps mention that the date he proposed to take you out was actually our wedding anniversary and we had plans for the three of us? He's only making up a four, the pair of you could go off on your own if you like. I think he's worried about meeting your dad - don't know why, he's met me and I am by far and away the worst of the pair of us (queenie often refers to me as the "rottweiler"...............)
Look on the bright side, you are not spending 10 days on a bus with your BF, your parents, your grandparents AND THE FEKKIN VICAR!!!!!!!!!!
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This is true Barmaid
you're a very lucky person and secretly you know it. have a wonderful time. xx
barmaid - the vicar we had (two ago) was more fun than the rest in my family.
hope you have a good time. x
As above, count yourself very, very lucky! :)

Don't take it for granted, and just enjoy yourself.

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