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Ric.ror | 15:37 Wed 13th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

I will let someone with a more medical background than mine explain the detail but the image speaks for itself


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Yeuch.......a section delivery with baby still in amniotic sac ?
not pleasant.
Possibly being exteriorised in order to carry out some surgery.
I watched a programme several years back where the foetus underwent cleft palate surgery in similar circumstances, before being placed back into the womb.
Amniotic fluid was replaced with nothing more than saline if I remember correctly.

I'd hazard a guess that something similar is happening here.
Amazing :)

I don't understand why anyone would say it was unpleasant.
just had my lunch Daffy, and I'm squeamish :-)
ChillDoubt, the translated article says it is a caesarian section baby being born, no surgery is being performed on the baby.
It is actually a C-Section, Chill. The baby is just still in the amniotic sac, which is apparently quite rare.

I've had 2 sections. Keep meaning to google C-Sections as I would love to see what everyone else got to witness at the birth of my girls.
Thanks for that, my Russian is a tad rusty since the Wall went down.....
Maybe not particularly pleasant but why does the headline say "Shocking". What's shocking about a baby being born?
It's not terribly unusual for a baby to be born in a 'caul'. I'm told I was. Google it.
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I thought it was greek

I too thought it was beautiful - sorry to offend anyone else
Must be rare, haven't seen one in work yet, would in all probability go to Liverpool if we had one locally.
I thought it was greek

I wouldn't dispute that either! LOL
am not offended, just give me a while to get my head around it :-)
It didn't offend, upset or shock me Ric. I've seen plenty of lambs and calfs born (out the proper exit!) still in their sac and it needs to be burst.

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