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Is There Cause For Concern Here?

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sandyRoe | 13:19 Fri 15th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Could the cry, "Throw out your dead", soon be reechoing across the streets of London?


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I read this today and thought the same thing, but also think it everytime I see an old skeleton dug up, how do we know some lurgy that killed them would not be reactivated.
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Spanish Influenza swept the world in the years just after WW1. Millions died. One of its victims was a man who was buried in the far north in Canada. A few years ago his remains were exhumed so that scientists could look and see if any of that virus remained.
Not according to the news,

Crossrail was quick to reassure that there was no risk to workers or the public from the skeletons. If there were, said Elsden, who helped to unearth the other known mass burial ground in Spitalfields in the 1980s, "myself and my colleagues wouldn't be here".
But Mr Elsden was quick to reassure the public that there was no longer any health risk from the plague which killed over a quarter of the British population in 1348.

"It's not something that stays in the soil. You have to actually meet someone who has it in order to catch it."
Was was the result of the Canadian research, sandy?
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Here are two reports. It's interesting that the scientists still thought it wise to wear protective clothing.
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Neither are about the Canadian exhumation.
Thanks Sandy . I've just read those reports. Nothing about the Canadian then?
'you have to meet someone who has it on order to catch it'

Em, so the likes of Derek acorah and psychic Sally are potentially at risk?
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with any luck, pair of charlatans.... however i was listening to the archaeologist give his explaination, as per the previous post

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Is There Cause For Concern Here?

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