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If (Part 2)

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NoMercy | 17:45 Sat 16th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
You had a choice between eating shark or being eaten by a shark, which would you choose?

Genuinely interested in all replies.


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Tut, that would probably give them indigestion Jack and I don't that's fair on the shark... animal rights and all that love... ;oP
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I see the irony of my question has totally eluded some...
There's a loan shark that lives round the corner, I wouldn't mind ...y'know ...that's the only shark I could.
not all nom, not all

i would invite the shark out for a dr ink so we could talk about it
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Lol fluff !
That's my point Magsmay, that thread *wasn't* much fun - save for the 'letting off steam' aspect on my part, this one obviously is (supposed to be).
I too have a life, just because you've seen a few posts from me here today doesn't detract from that m'dear :-)
NoM - I saw it straight away, I was trying to work out an 'adapted' version of the response I left in Part 1 !
-- answer removed --
O don't think magsmay likes me :-D

I'm typing in the dark :-/
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That ranks you alongside the rest of us, mate. ;-)
CAn I just point out to the grumpfuttacks on the thread that this is Chatterbank if you don't like the daft questions pop off to one of the other topics
I have eaten shark AND been bitten by one ( I have the scars on two fingers to prove it).
I know which experience was the more pleasant one
For you or the shark, Mrs O?
Top tip of the day - never prod something with sharp teeth
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Heck, Mrs O, I think I would have died of fright...
NoM - it was a very very small shark, about 12" long. I thought it was dead.
Poor poor shark, probably died of blood poisoning
LM/-\O ...'grumpfuttocks' "she's busy taking her head for a dump round the corner" - I nearlt sprayed beer all over me keyboard. No more please, I'll bust me farting strings.

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