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TWR | 19:56 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
In your working life, were you regarded as a Loyal worker?

Did you give a 100%? were you appreciated?

Or did your Employer have no thought for you?



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I am a loyal worker. I never took time off sick.

I have been lucky that I've mainly always worked for people I know so they did appreciate me.
I am a loyal worker by nature. They had enough faith in me to give me a job so I repay it.
I have been appreciated in some places, and I thrive on it. My work definitely improves if I think someone cares.
I have been ignored, under-appreciated and downright bullied in some places, but thankfully they tend to be the exception rather than the rule.
I'm happy where I am now. They trust me and say thank you every now and then. That's enough for me and as proof of how I repay them... Do you ever see me here in work hours? ;)
I`m a loyal worker but in large companies today, loyalty means absolutely nothing. My manager hasn`t the faintest idea who I am and I haven`t the faintest idea who she is either. As far as the company is concerned, I`m just a staff number.
In your working life, were you regarded as a Loyal worker? yes

Did you give a 100%? no

were you appreciated? yes

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