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tamborine | 02:39 Sun 24th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
rat has run under my car. Will it chew pipes & wires ?


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aaah, my mums fav man
How's your back, tamborine? Are you feeling any better?
Question Author
still sore but have managed to straighten up, with a stick :(
Have you been over doing it.....?
Question Author
I felt it go when I lifted a box. What have you been up to today ?
Nowt interesting. Didn't crawl out the pit until gone midday!
Question Author
Lazy bones :)
Can't stay on here all night and get up too early. Need to cut back really. but it's addictive. Can't remember what I did before I started coming on here.
Question Author
CCTV caught the rat running across the yard to my car to drink drips off it. Poor thirst fella
we had to have a rat man round a few years ago because of a rat problem. He said because we had foxes as well that would keep the fox fed and the rat population down. They give me the creeps. I was panicky about them getting indoors.
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I dont worry too much as the stables attract them. We have a blitz now & then if they get too cheeky. They dont come indoors, nor mice or spiders. I cant find any rabbits either, cant think where they've all gone ?
Do you live on a farm?
Question Author
yep, mainly equestrian liveries
Some of my best holidays as a kid were on a farm in Devon.
Never wear suede shoes when you're walking through a cow field though. lol!
Question Author
waddya think wellies are for
How's your day been.
Visited my grandchildren yesterday. They wore me out, bless them!
Probably why I fell asleep in front of the telly tonight and am now wide awake.
Going to go to bed shortly though. read for a little bit until I feel drowsy!
Yes they can chew wires and pipes. You should call the pest control company as fast as possible to get rid of this.

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