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BlueToffee | 08:07 Sun 24th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Suppose I'm now officially OLD! Booked my first cruise yesterday.

OH wont believe me when I tell her she's been on dozens of cruises. Dover/Calais/Dover is cruising, isn't it?


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When are you going on your cruise? If it's during the school holidays, you will be surprised how many young families there are on the ship.
Lovely BT, where are you going then, Holyhead/Dun Loaghaire/Holyhead? ;0)
You could always try Gourock/Dunoon/Gourock for a change.
Avoid Kids go free cruises, it will be hell...
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Baltics, and out of school holidays! Hope it's not as rough as the Holyhead Dun Laoghaire crossing!
Oh, we've done a Baltic Cruise. It was fabulous.
I remember St. Petersburg being extremely hot. Tallin was lovely.
I really don't fancy cruising at all but the Baltics would be the only one to draw me. Have a great time.
That's my favourite cruise Alba, I take it several times a year. In fact I'm going on it in a couple of weeks ;)

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