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playleader | 14:57 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | Jobs & Education
7 Answers
Playgroup leader for 13years for voluntary community committee the treasurer recently resigned leaving accounts a mess I have been told this is my problem now.I have only ever done petty cash and collecting voluntary fees as well as the odd lodgement


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If you are a volunteer can't you just say 'no- I need help'?
what does the constitution say?
Who has decided it's up to you to take this on?
If it's a committee decision, then write formally to the committee chair and explain how you feel completely untrained and will need help and support, and want to be advised on how to get this.
If it's not a committee decision, write to the chair of the committee and ask that this is raised asap and resolved.

what does the constitution say?
-- answer removed --
what does the constitution say?

It says C & P stands out a mile
You should look for similarities from yourself, when you are a volunteer, others to do the same thing as you, what you are thinking, thinking about it, maybe you will know.

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