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Anyone Been Fooled Today?

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phleb | 18:48 Mon 01st Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
or fooled anyone else?


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Yes, son of Mr BM got me with the "spider behind you" trick.

I got Mr BM by chucking what he thought to me a fresh egg at him - it was in fact a rubber egg. His face was a picture.
Bransons transparent aircraft must be a contender!
Not really but OH got on the Wii fit board and it said 'I'm not working...haha April Fools'
Damned clever.
If I have, I haven't found out about it yet!
Gromit made a bigger ass of himself than he normally does. (Wink to gromit)
i was pleased to catch Gromit out, sorry G, but reckon you deserved that.
I know that he likes, loves to bash the tories, but this time it went pear shaped. Good jest by the way...
Neither, am a little disappointed. Last year, I changed all the paper in the printers at work to the opposition headed paper. This morning, I couldn't find my keys or access cards, I searched for ages. I phoned OH at work to ask if he'd hidden them for a laugh, to which he denied. I found them shortly after the call, I forgot I had a hidden pocket in on of my handbags. He later asked me where I found them. Not wanting to seem stupid, I told a white lie and said I found them at the bottom of the wash basket. I know lying is naughty, but he was with his boss when I phoned, so I had to cover myself!
No and no. I have got quite annoyed at the infantile 'pranks' attempted by websites and online news outlets today though, do they think we are all complete morons?
probably, daffy. Several years ago, I had the 1st April off as a rest day. I went in to work on the 2nd to find newspaper clippings posted on the walls by the tea machine. The articles were about an amazing ,five foot chicken. I couldn't believe my eyes! I toured the whole office, asking if anyone had read about the five foot chicken. Noone else had fell for it, as they had seen it on April Fools. I felt like a right twit when I twigged! (although I can still laugh to myself now!)
"Anyone Been Fooled Today? or fooled anyone else?"

No as i'm not 12 years old, lol.

At the begining when aprils fool day was invented it was probably a great idea as everyone was potentially a victim and it built momentum the more that knew about it but now everyone knows about it so it's just a waste of time, money and doesn't get the desired effect.

To keep it fresh they need to move it to another day where people aren't expecting it, they'd obviously have to change the name possibly to joke day or something
No haven't fallen for anything. Although I did look twice at an article in the Daily Excess about the Belgian Suite in Buckingham Palace being let for £10.000 per night advertised on Hotel.coms website
Who's "they" henrietta?

All Fools Day has been around since the 14th century; I think we've just run out of original gags to be honest!
AOG went all left wing and pro-lesbian over Clare Balding. He probably has the hots for her and wants to share her testerone shots.
The Telegraph gag was good, the tories, coalition employing people to go around turning off lights to save energy, ha ha
DT, now that is something i would pay to see.
I don't see why moving it to another date will make any difference.
April fools is once a year, and actually only fools a few. The clocks change twice a year, and that seems to get far many people!

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