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Dark Rum Recommendations Please

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AB Editor | 11:25 Fri 15th Mar 2013 | Drinks
29 Answers
I've got to buy someone this as a present - except I know so very little about rum.

Suggestions please.


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Will let you know what I pick!
I seem to remember sunny-dave waxing lyrical about El Dorado rum, round about Christmas time?
1. Pussers
2. Woods
There is another option.
Those quoted are Jamaican style rums, but Cuban can also be a great tipple. Check out the various Havana Club types.
It will depend on the tastes of whoever you're buying the rum for. The truly best rums are made in the same way as whisky, and have the same colour as whisky. All of the much darker rums, such as Captain Morgan and Lambs, have caramel and molasses added, which makes the taste much heavier. Some people prefer them. Depends what you were brought up on.
Bundy black or Woods Navy both very morish
There's only one dark rum in the running: Gosling's Black Seal, from Bermuda. All others pale by comparison.
'Mount Gay' used to be considered the best among the cognoscenti in the West Indies.
I've been stuck indoors since 15th March waiting for Ed to reveal which one he picked. :-(

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