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Nice Work If You Can Get It....

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stokemaveric | 13:01 Wed 10th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
mps have been called into parliament from their EASTER pay homage to maggie...wish i could afford myself the luxury of an extended easter break..


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Become an MP then stoke, or a teacher ;-)
i would imagine that being an MP is a 24 hr job (despite them being on a break from the house)
i wouldn't like an employer who would make me come in on my holiday.
Apparently, they aren't even off duty when they are walking their dogs
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lol missnemesis if i were an mp id pass an act where we have a 6 day weekend id never be voted out would i??...they dont seem to do a lot tho bednobs..with all the breaks they have i mean..
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ps they get very well paid tho..
Indeed stoke. Fancy a change of career? I'd vote for you :)
don't they do work in their constituency though at those times?
stokey........couple of things.

Firstly , if John Prescott can become deputy Prime Minister, you can become an MP......if you really, really want something badly enough, then you can achieve it.

Secondly...the pay of an MP circa £70,000 is rubbish for what they have to put up with...comment, nasty remarks and the uncertainty of retaining their position.
Agree Sqad. £70,000 is absurdly low. An American rank-and -file Representative gets $174,000 plus generous benefits, for example. The wife of one senior MP told me that, with such perks as he was legitimately allowed, he was getting £100,000 gross, max. Under our current tax regime, that is still too low.

Our MPs work a lot harder than may be thought. Never off call , and still having to deal with constituency matters and 'surgeries', the job does not hold a lot of attractions. That might explain why the ones we get are, generally, so inadequate!

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