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Could This Go Wrong?

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gness | 18:11 Thu 11th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
I have just been asked to do front of house for a local theatre company.... you know...selling programmes...showing people to their the dark .....down the steps...Hmmmmm?


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DT - Syd Little & Eddie Large. Are you trying to get me into trouble or what? ;-)

Mopedboy - you can run (well, you call it a run, I've seen you and I call it a scuttle) but you cannot hide
Nope, Mrs O, would I do that to you, gness, sibs, whoever wants to make 'contrasts' or even myself.............definitely not.

Now what can I eat, says he tongue in cheek.......there was a nice cheese and tomato pie in that there fridge, the toms rather fat and juicy.
anyone need a crossie to get down the pub for an hour?
Gness do be careful I'm having visions of you with high heeled flip flops !!! and a miners lamp strapped to your forehead going a88eover ti[ down the steps, icecream and programmes flying into the audience. My imagination is working overtime tonight.....
DTC I'm sorry but I have been laughing at your description of dinner, can't be easy, but at least she is feeding you well.
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Risk me.., Sloopy?
hop on gal x
I think, ayg, it is largely the other way around!

Do we have an hour off for a quick dash to the local for dessert?
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Thanks worth it if I land in a dishy lap!!! x
and don't lean over on the corners gness, or I'll belt ya!
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-- answer removed --
well who got zapped and why?
No-one - it was the techies checking that the system was back up by posting a random answer.
Shame and there I thought that Nirvana had descended, dave, no vitriol or bullying that is putting so many off contributing on AB.

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