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Ab Hotel

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DaisyNonna | 19:54 Fri 19th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Did it go bust?


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I hope not Daisy, dave persuaded me to invest my life savings in it !.
It was being re-launched as a timeshare in Ibiza - except our local manager has run off with the the doctor ...
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He would! Hope all is well, was enjoying my job as librarian. Not easy to get a job theses days.
The Grohl Room is always open........ I refuse to leave :-)
Perhaps Dave will let you keep the chandeliers Daisy !.
We need a new chef.
Is there a position for Desktop? I heard it through the grapevine that she's job hunting.
Not on reception society, I fed up, will not be condusive to customer relations.
naughty gal . ^^^^^^

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Ab Hotel

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