It is absolutely glorious here today! I've just put two lines of washing out, and I'm going to go out and do a bit of weeding now, before going out for a bike ride and then spending the afternoon in my parents garden - which is much nicer than mine :)
Location and weather please.... (don't want your postcode and house number)
Booldawg, has been extremely nice and sunny in my part of Hampshire. In fact I have been cursing the bright yellow round thing for getting in my eyes. Then as soon as I read your post, the precise time I was planning on a little walk with the dog, the bugger decided to go in and hide behind the clouds. You must have scared it away with your knobbly knees in your shorts!
" grew up in Weston (moved to Bristol in 1998) and it has changed an awful lot over the years!"
Ah, did you now. My sister lives in Bristol. I'm the only one left in Weston :)
It's changed completely hasn't it. I actually really like living here now!