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Room directions & Light

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Jina | 00:23 Tue 24th Jan 2006 | Home & Garden
2 Answers

I am looking for the reason behind a south facing room getting the most light in a day. Also is this fact true for a room in any geographical location? Can anyone help?



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This is due to the fact that in the northern hemisphere light from the sun shines in from a southerly direction. As you get closer to the equator the sun appears further up in the sky. At the equator during the spring and autumne equinox the sun appears overhead during the day. The sun does drift in the sky due to the earth's axial tilt. The sun would then appear overhead on the tropic of Cancer on June 21st, and overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn onDecember 21st. For location above and below about 23 degrees from the equator the sun always remains in that part of the sky. ie Sourthern horizon in the Northern hemisphere and the opposite in the southern hemisphere.
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Thanks a ton CT for the quick and precise reply. That makes everything very clear to me now.


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Room directions & Light

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