Good on you, coz I'm sure half the gay men knew before they slept with women and just did it to see or to hide their gayness from their mates. Well Done You and your bloke :-) Oooh I've noticed you the guy with the jeans. Happy Bleaching :-)
4getmenot - it's not as clear-cut as that. I 'knew' from a very early age but still didn't admit it to myself or anyone else. We are conditioned as schoolboys to believe that being a 'filthy queer' is the worst thing you can possibly be, so it's hardly surprising that we enter a world of denial and go the conventional straight route, sleeping with girls through our teens until the long process of 'coming out' is complete. Not really a case of hiding it from your mates but a lot more complex!
Im 23, my partner is 22 and neither of us have slept with a women, although I think alot of our friends have. Like someone commented earlier in the thread, I think alot of it depends on wether or not it was socially acceptable when growing up. Luckily for me, it was!
Thank you all for your replies. Especially quizmonkey. The way I put it came over a bit as if I thought it was a bad thing they did sleeping with women. I have gay mates and its just the way they have explained it to me that in some way it was used to take any attention away from the fact they might be gay. I understand everyone does different things in different ways and I thank you for your view. :-) And In a pickle I havent been going around gay people asking them. I've grown up with these people so thats how I know who they've slept with before they came out. and your last statement made me giggle, how true :-)