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Off To Tenby On Friday...

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janzman | 19:56 Tue 14th May 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
..for a weeks self catering holiday, weather looks particularly grim. Can anyone recommend an restaurants (especially for Sunday lunch) and pubs for MrsJanz and me to visit.


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I've not been for two years or so but the pub in Wisemans Bay seems v foody (it's right on the beach, parking is rubbish though). The pub on Saundersfoot harbour (over looking a car park) looks well rubbish but I had a delicious prawn salad there (lovely fresh prawns). Have a lovely time, I would move to Tenby if I could.
The Coach & Horses is always good Janz.

Also, I've had some good Tapas in Bar 10.

There are others. Any of the pubs for Sunday lunch. I would have thought.
Tenby - Dinbych-y-pysgod. - Little town of the fishes

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