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Ways To Save Money.

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TWR | 20:09 Tue 21st May 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
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What's the point?, you can't take it with you
You can't if you don't have it Elvis
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mazie, would you believe me if I said, a person I know local counts the sheets on Loo Rolls! Honest, I am not joking, I suggested to him to use Grass.
Shop around, you can pick up some great deals in discount stores.

Wear more clothing and wrap up before putting any heating on, cuddling up in a throw or grabbing a hot water bottle is cheaper than big heating bills.
LOL I'm not that bad...
Only use washing machine once a week (unless you have kids of course)
Hang washing out (if it's not raining)
Walk to work (if you have time)
Turn heating down or off (if it's warm)

Bug**r, can't do any of these!
-- answer removed --
I take a packed lunch to work. Sometimes sandwiches, but more often leftovers such as curry, lasagne, pasta bake etc.

I never use transport for anything within an hours walk unless ness (emergency, to transport heavy items etc)
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Sell you car and use the bus or walk
I shop online, strict budget which I have to stick to (its become a challenge). If I know there are going to be leftovers I make that meal on Thursday as the children eat what they want on a Friday so himself can have the leftovers.
Stick to buying only what you can afford.
plan your meals in advance before you go food shopping and then youll know exactly what you need to buy
write a shopping list and stick to it.
Dont use expensive coffee shops.
Don't quite know how to word this one, let's try.
Week one's housekeeping, shop on Friday, make it last an extra day.
Week 2, shop on Saturday, make it last an extra day.
After 7 weeks, you have saved one week's housekeeping money.
Tuck it away.

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