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Can You Guess ?

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baza | 17:23 Wed 29th May 2013 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
I have just spent sometime in the garden, can you guess what I was doing? It did not involve another person so keep it clean.


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Sod this for a game of toy soldats, I need a drink now, baza ;)
Picking snails of your plants and flinging them over next doors fence?
^^ *that*, lardy, is called teaching snails to fly ;) xx
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some great guesses, now for the boring answer, I had a new loo installed and the bl***y plumber left the old one which I had to smash up to go in the bin, oh we do know how to live in the sticks.
Sounds like a good idea to me ttfn
Bet we've given you some great idea's though.
Hosted a snail steeplechase and ran the only bookie stand to fleece your neighbours?
I take it you are feeling a little flushed after all your hard work then baza.......boom boom. X
^ ^ ^
that's the most likely suggestion i've read so far ttfn
Wonder if they are faster if you remove their shells, you know streamlined ?.
Depends how one removes them, tony. Size 9 boot - not so good ;)
Slugs are just homeless snails - both disgusting.
Right then, thats my plan up the swannie then.
If you remove a snails shell they become more sluggish.
I missed baza's answer in all the excitement ;)

Why didn't you just plant it up with trailing wotsits?
Good idea that, ttfn. An ornamental bog !
Landscaping by Twyford ;)

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