Well received one in Frozen shoulder on Thursday - still a bit stiff - when will I see results also should I try and do some exercises. doctor always in a hurry and did not give much instruction what to after. thanks
Yes, do some light exercises......that is keep your shoulder moving.
Results of the injection vary as to what was the problem and also to the stage at which your disorder has reached. It should show an improvement within 7-10 days............
Firstly I do sympathise with you. My sister had a frozen shoulder for months after an accident and tried all sorts of things and eventually had the cortisone injection; after about three weeks the pain completely disappeared. Hope the same happens for you.
I had people in observing mine being done so was earwigging in.
They were deciding how much of a dose should go where. They were saying there were two places they could inject so were going to put a lower dose in each side in one of the sites so if it didn't help much then they could inject into the other site (I assume there is a max dose within an amount of time or something like that).
I was given an exercise sheet and told that I would need to build strength up as they had been stiff for so long. I remember the physio who examined me with re the impingement said that even when done I shouldn't go mad and overuse them.
Do you see a physio or anyone like that who could help?
I had a week off work after mine as I was told to rest it, then saw the physio again. As far as I recall, the pain eased during the resting week. If you haven't got a physio appt arranged for next week, perhaps you could phone the dr and see what they say.
Good morning all - just want to give you the good news that I am able to stretch my arm to full capacity (with a little trepidation) this morning for the first time in about 2 years. Please God it remains this way. As Sqad said am doing light exercises but could anybody tell me will the one shot do it or go for a second and third. My doctor sorta fobbed me off re the second - "oh we will see". Thanks for any replies.