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Strong Drink And Racism, An Incendiary Mix?

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sandyRoe | 15:11 Wed 05th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
If members of the EDL were responsible for this what's the likelihood their actions were fuelled by alcohol?


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It is sudduv like kinduv

kind of - adverb as in I kind of hit him.

I didnt realise MCE existed until it was pointed out to me a few weeks ago

The point has kinduv got bogged down but I thought the war memorial graffito was obviously painted by a westerner.
i don't think it was, let us hope they identify the person soon.
Peter, No, I am not saying Nigerians were obviously involved. If I had intended to say that, that is what I would have said. Just illustrating that the perpetrator may not necessarily be a native Arabic speaker. There's nothing to say he isn't a British convert even! I really don't think we can assume anything simply by looking at five hastily scrawled letters.
more than one memorial was desecrated.
Arson is serious stuff - long prison sentences, very long. Even the EDl must know that.

I cant believe the person who wrote: I done this, really had done it
For the record, I doubt very much that the desecration of those monuments was the work of the EDL.
i don't think it was either, the footage seems to show a black man, whatever nationality or affiliation i hope they send him to prison.
Are we talking about last weeks graffiti or the stuff that was found today?
Today's graffiti was very confusing as it was sprayed onto the RAF monument but called for the killers of Lee Rigby to be hanged (or words to that effect).
we were talking about last weeks, but that other is news to me...
whoever is responsible should be made to clean it, then stuck in stocks and pelted with rotten eggs.
"Bearing in mind this is close to Woolwich, bearing in mind that it houses Islamic activities, bearing in mind that they have found alleged EDL graffiti, there's a strong likelihood that this could be an anti-Muslim incident."

A restraiend response.
Bearing in mind that the muslim community has had a lot of bad press lately, it could be a smoke screen created by themselves. Whoever is guilty of this crime should be locked away for the maximum sentence.
Oh God I involuntarily and unknowingly invoked Godwin's Law earlier

My apologies everyone
No need to apologise to me - I think that's nonsense.

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