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Did Anyone Else Get Locked Out Of Ab This Last 30 Mins?

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DJHawkes | 20:45 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
my laptop and tablet kept saying bogoff but in some long winded techno speak


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no. You haven't exceeded your Garth limit, have you?
yes, but back in now (obviously)
did you get that cat with the heavy crown on its head?
Logged in ablout 15 - 20 minutes ago but didn't notice anything amiss.
Question Author
I'm not sure the ed allows a limit on Garth at all, what have you heard jno?

No I just got a dull page telling me the site may have moved or gone bankrupt
-- answer removed --
It doesn't like your avatar, dot !.
I've heard he's decided to give more space to the Spice Girls and less to Americans; may be just idle gossip, though.
yes, Google Chrome, and just up to a minute or so ago on IE - on IE at the moment....
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i'm always on firefox and i could get into ancestry, ebay, facebook and hotmail no probs, oh and you tube but not AB
To answer your question - no.

Do you or anyone remember the name of the person who said they were a 'priest' who posted on here a while back? I think their AB name was
Father -----, something, I forgot...
Question Author
yes i know who you mean, can't remember his name though. he used to post really long replies
Village Vicar, aka Father Bill?
That's it Jno! that's it lol Thank you :)
Did the Ed excommunicate the ficker.?

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oh yes village vicar, i remember someone posting his real blog or something
Ethel investigated and reported that neither his parish nor his church seemed to exist.

He was a nice, calming poster, however, and if he wasn't a vicar he should have been.
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just did a site search for him and spotted a post by smudge who hasn't been on since april 2011 yet is still active,
I have a strong suspicion of who I think V V was. I believe he was also a female poster on here at that time.
Did he come back as someone called FranticTraveller? (with some story about sitti.g next to celebs on aeroplanes)

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