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Has Anyone Got A Copy Of The Mail On Sunday Pls ?

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Dee Sa | 07:29 Mon 10th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I have already taken mine to the waste paper bin next to the bottle bank so its gone. There is a large ad for Orleander plants 3 for £9.99 +postage, can anyone find the ad and give me the link/phone number pls ?thank you.


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0844 6569 569

Code MOS 121 It is £3.99 each = £19.99 plus postage
It's 5 Plants for £19.99. plus p&p £6.99. You can order also 'on-line'

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thank you both, you have been a great help A/B ers always come up trumps. Dee
I'm not really awake yet.!!

There is an error in the www address which I gave you. It is YouGarden not Your Garden.

However it doesn't work if it is entered with the code../MOS121

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Do you know how poisonous oleanders are ?

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Has Anyone Got A Copy Of The Mail On Sunday Pls ?

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